Sailor Moon Crystal Season 2 Announcements and Speculation

Sailor Moon Crystal is going to kill me. I thought I was done with this show but it looks like I’ll be back for more.

To bring readers up to speed, my return to the Sailor Moon franchise started my junior year in college. I was extremely excited to finally have a legitimate copy of the Sailor Moon manga release so that I could replace my old complete Tokyopop collection which had been thrown out. I was also looking at the very first American release of Sailor V, a comic that was ignored by scanlators. I could finally read the prequel staring my favorite character.

Then Sailor Moon Crystal was announced. Even years ago, I wasn’t interested in direct manga to anime adaptations so I prayed this would be a reboot. I, of course, was wrong and despite my hopes and optimism, Sailor Moon Crystal turned out to be a lackluster version of one of my favorite manga that neither improved on the dated story nor gave us anything new. Continue reading

My Final Thoughts on Sailor Moon Crystal

I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, dear readers. Well, not exactly all things, but it could be the end for Sailor Moon Crystal as we know it.

The fate of the show stands upon the edge of a knife. The Sailor Moon community has been through this before with the end of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon back in the early 2000’s which promised something more after a short break, but never did. I agree with most fans that this reboot has about a fifty percent chance of coming back. I personally see the most obvious signs in the merchandise. Sailor Moon figures and collectibles are selling extremely well… but most of it is based on the old anime, not this new one. Honestly, I’m not really for or against Crystal coming back. It’ll just make me more annoyed with ignorant fans toting it around as the greatest adaptation of franchise, but it would also end a lot of discussion too if it went away. Neither situation is good, at least for me. Continue reading

The Best and Worst Sailor Moon Manga Arcs – Part 1

With all the recent hype, I’ve been thinking a lot about Sailor Moon, mostly about how close Sailor Moon Crystal is to the manga version. Unlike most manga, the Sailor Moon manga came out around the same time as the original anime. In some arcs, the anime proceeded the manga, so it can be classified as the original story and not at the same time. What is certain is that mangaka Naoko Takeuchi and her team came up with the original ideas and concepts behind the characters we know and love, so the manga is likely the definitive version of the story.

The manga will no doubt be replicated in this new anime for better or worse. We haven’t had any news yet of a second season or future installments for Sailor Moon Crystal, but this current season is likely going to be successful so I doubt Toei Animation will hesitate to cash in on other story lines as well. From what I’ve seen so far, I at least enjoy the subtle changes made to the material and I hope they keep it up to differentiate the new anime from the manga.

So I’ve been thinking, what are the best arcs in the Sailor Moon manga? Unlike many shonen these days, Sailor Moon only has five arcs, with an astoundingly short average of about ten monthly chapters each (about 40 pages or so). Since there’s so little story, I can easily rank the arcs from worst to best and analyze them all critically. I’m not going to be talking about the original anime versions of these arcs, since I haven’t nearly seen enough of it to give it a fair opinion. (though that might be saved for a future article). I may make a few comparisons to content I’ve seen, but only to point out trivia. Also, please keep in mind that I am open to criticism myself. If you think one of these arcs is better deserving of praise, please let me know in the comments. I already know many Sailor Moon fans will disagree with my worst choice and that’s perfectly cool. Without varying opinions in the fandom, there’s little room for interesting discussion and no room for us to grow.

There will be spoilers for each arc’s analysis, though I will keep the spoilers contained within their respective sections. So if you’re interested in my opinion on Black Moon, but don’t want to be spoiled for Infinity, don’t fret!

With that said, let’s get started… in the name of the moon!… or something. Continue reading