Let’s Talk About That Kiss… (Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3, Episode 3)

Sailors Uranus and Neptune have been cited as being two of the most influential characters in fiction, not just anime, for many LGBT oriented millennials. For me, they were my first examples of homosexuality in general and served as a positive example for me of those with differing orientations. But there seems to be a divide in the Sailor Moon community as to which version of Sailor Moon represented their characters best. Was it the original manga or Toei Animation’s anime? Many have legitimate arguments for both cases, but the one I see come up the most is that Sailor Uranus (Haruka) kisses Sailor Moon (Usagi) without consent in the manga and therefore doesn’t come off as positively as she should.

I normally don’t like to talk about stories that are decades old and have already been analyzed by much more intuitive minds but this scene has been brought into question yet again with the (surprisingly good) third season of Sailor Moon Crystal. I have been asked by several of my followers on my YouTube channel, CJ Vs. Manga, to talk about this scene in particular, but I personally believe it is too sensitive a topic to talk on video and, seeing as much of what I say on that channel is fairly or unfairly misinterpreted, I will write about it here instead. Continue reading